コトブキヤ 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。 新垣あやせ -タナトス・コスver.- 1/8スケール PVC塗装済み完成品

コトブキヤ 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。 新垣あやせ -タナトス・コスver.- 1/8スケール PVC塗装済み完成品


Product Description


A Kyosuke proposal. Ayase <

From April 2013, the second season of the anime will start broadcast "My sister is not so cute. From the main heroine Paulowno, Ayase Aragaki, the best friend is now available in a bold cosplay costume. This is a 3D version of the EX Mode costume from the anime "Hoshizumi Wichi Merl", which is the protagonist Kyosuke who likes to "Ayase" in the animal. While we wanted to delight Paulowni during the production process, the suggestions from Kyosuku are almost naked! Hey Die! "Ayase" has never been achieved as a figure. Please enjoy the new Kotobukiya "My Sister Series" lineup.

(From Amazon.co.jp)

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